Profesor/a titular de universidade
Área de Estatística e Investigación Operativa
Departamento de Estatística e Investigación Operativa
Información de contacto
Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo
Edificio xurídico-empresarial
Despacho E/5-14
As Lagoas, s/n
32004 Ourense
+34 988 368 768
Breve CV
Associate Professor of Department of Statistics and Operative Research of the University of Vigo. She obtained her Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Santiago de Compostela in 2003. She has participated in numerous national and international conferences on Statistics, and has published articles on International journals on topics in Nonparametric Inference with missing observations. She is member of the Ph.D. in Statistics and Operations Research of three Universities(Vigo-Santiago-Coruña). He has participated in several projects and research contracts. Currently a member of the research team SIDOR (Statistical Inference, Decision and Operations Research) at the University of Vigo and participates in the project granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MTM2016-76969-P).
1º cuadrimestre
2º cuadrimestre
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
O04G020V01204 | Estatística
Grao en Turismo
O04G240V01402 | Estatística
PCEO ADE – Dereito
O03G730V01123 | Estatística
Simultaneidade Turismo – Xeografía e Historia
O04G740V01224 | Estatística
Grupo de investigación
Inferencia Estatística, Decisión e Investigación Operativa