Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism #SempreUVigo


Tourism has been one of the engines of the Spanish economy for more than 50 years and, according to the forecast of the World Tourism Organization, tourism will continue growing in the next decades, even in the crisis periods.

That is why it is increasingly necessary to count on qualified professional who perform the administration and management tasks in touristic businesses and institutions. This would enable the Spanish tourism sector to take a chance on the sustainability and to improve the quality of its offer, to keep it as a world reference.

The Degree in Tourism offers the opportunity of gain multidisciplinary knowledge, including different study areas (economy, languages, geography, communication or new technologies), and specific studies (intermediation, accommodation, cultural heritage, tourism resources management…).

The theoretical education, the international mobility and the internship in businesses and in tourism institutions will provide the students with an international point of view on an innovative and constantly changing industry, a real point of view on the sector, and a very valuable experience to face their professional future.

Study grants

The University of Vigo will announce scholarships for students enrolled in the 2023/2024 academic year in the Degree in Tourism or in the joint program (PCEO) of the degrees in Tourism and Geography and History under the protection of the collaboration between the academic institution and the Diputación from Ourense.

Call 2023/2024


Quick Degree Guide

This Bachelor’s Degree prepares specialised professional in the field of tourism, who are able to understand the necessities of the business management and of the tourism management of the cultural and natural resources, with a global knowledge of all the areas related with tourism (marketing, business management, strategic planning, languages, accommodation and hostelry management, environmental economics, international trade, geography, sociology…), and with the capacity of undertaking new projects and adapt to a quickly evolving environment.

Students who graduate from this Degree will be able to identify and anticipate opportunities, assign resources, organise information, take decisions, achieve the proposed objectives and analyse the results. Furthermore, what they have learnt will enable them to join businesses or organisations in the tourism sector and carry out the usual functions of the corporative and institutional management, the tourism destination management, the commercial management of tourism intermediaries, hotels, travel agencies, or any other public or private entity, national or international, related with tourism.


The main objective of the Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism is to prepare specialised professionals in the business management and in the tourism management of both natural and cultural resources. Thus, students will be prepared to carry out their work in different operating areas of a business or institution devoted to the field of tourism.


The Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism is geared to people who are interested in different cultures, with good communicative skills and with a great ability to learn new languages; able to work in team in multicultural environments, with initiative, creativity and willingness to serve.


The Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism offers many job opportunities, both in business as in organisations on the tourism sector. Therefore, the graduates can carry out tasks in: institutional and corporative management, tourism destinations management, hotels management, commercial management of tourism intermediaries; accommodation, catering, intermediation, planning and public management of destinations, transports and logistics, training, research, consultancy and creation of touristic products in any field related to the leisure and free time.



Visit the Degree file



Degree Coordination

Mª Dolores Rivero Fernández
+34 988 368 717