
Academic Staff

Marcos Álvarez Díaz
Mª Montserrat Cruz González
Juan Manuel de los Ríos Sánchez
Jerónimo Docampo Parente
Beatriz González Sanchez
Manuel Alfredo Mosquera Rodríguez

Mª Dolores Rivero Fernández
Miguel Rodríguez Méndez
Francisco Xabier Sánchez Sellero
Francisco Tugores Martorell
Mónica Villanueva Villar


Cristian Carballo Cabido
Ania Ferreiro Ferradás
David González González

Pablo González González
Raul Martínez Fernández

Administrative and Services Staff

Catalina Álvarez Ogando

Jaime R. León Fernández



  • To study, advise and provide solutions in all the issues that the Centre Board, the Advising Committees or the Dean consider, as well as to solve administrative issues
  • All of those delegated by the Centre Board, according to the Internal Regime Regulation
  • Any other functions that the University of Vigo Statutes or this regulation do not expressly attribute to the Centre Board, the Dean or the Degree Board
  • The resolutions adopted by way of delegation by the Permanent Committee will indicate this circumstance and will be considered as taken by the Centre Board



2022: 21-VII
2021: 10-III | 22-IV
2020: 11-II | 12-V
2019: 12-VI | 22-VII
2018: 23-II | 31-V
2017: 23-II | 18-IV | 31-V | 4-VII | 14-IX


2022: 21-VII
2021: 10-III | 22-IV
2020: 11-II | 12-V
2019: 12-VI | 22-VII
2018: 23-II | 31-V
2017: 23-II | 18-IV | 31-V | 4-VII | 14-IX