Rivo López

Senior Lecturer

Area of Business Organisation
Department of Business Organisation and Marketing

Contact information

Faculty of Business Sciences and Tourism
Edificio xurídico-empresarial
Despacho E/4-2

As Lagoas, s/n
32004 Ourense

+34 988 368 734

Short CV

Elena Rivo-López is PhD in Business Administration (2002). Currently she is an Associate Professor and researcher at the Business Organization and Marketing Department at the University of Vigo, where she has been teaching since 1999. From 2013 to 2019, she has been Dean of the Faculty of Business Sciences and Tourism; since november 2011 to june 2014, she has coordinated the Official University Master’s in Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship the University of Vigo. She is currently Commissioner of Institutional Coordination of the University of Vigo. With regard to research, she participates in several papers and research projects, working on issues related to family business, value creation and innovation; she is the deputy director of the Chair of Family Business; she belongs to the research group GEN Governance and Economics research Network.


Teaching profile at UVigo

1st term

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management

O04G020V01505 | Teoría da organización

PCEO ADE – Enxeñaría Informática

O06G710V01414 | Teoría da organización

PCEO ADE – Dereito

O03G730V01415 | Teoría da organización

Grao en Turismo

O04G240V01102 | Dirección e xestión de entidades turísticas I

2nd term

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management

O04G020V01203 | Xestión de empresas

PCEO ADE – Enxeñaría Informática

O06G710V01121 | Xestión de empresas

PCEO ADE – Dereito

O03G730V01126 | Xestión de empresas


Researching profile at UVigo

Research topics