In a knowledge society, the triangle of tourist intelligence composes in unison training, research and innovation. The Master’s Degree in Inland and Health Tourism Management and Planning offers training and prepares for research and innovation.

The quality of the programme and the teaching staff (academics, researchers and professionals in the tourism sector), the level of specialization and the capacity that it offers to carry out business practices, together with a teaching methodology that works as a team before and presents the possibility of learning Through the analysis and resolution of the real cases, and the experiences and knowledge transmitted by teachers, this Master adapts to the labour market, and therefore offers real possibilities in terms of work.

The master has more than 10 years of experience, starting its career in 2006 with the Official Master’s in Tourism Management and Planning. In the year 2011 it undergoes a reform and gives way to the current master’s degree.

Visit the Master’s Degree webpage


Information of interest

  • Type of education: Classroom education1, blended education 2
  • Number of entry-level places: 25 1 + 15 2
  • Offer periodicity: annual
  • Number of ECTS: 60 ECTS



Jose Antonio Fraiz Brea
+34 988 368 738


Master’s Degrees Area
+34 988 368 803 / 368 910 / 368 909