The new configuration of the university degrees, shorter in time and with a more flexible academic structure than the previous five-year degrees, facilitate what not so long ago was almost unthinkable: that a student can combine two degrees and achieve both certifications in just five or six years, fulfilling a deep knowledge both in Business Administration and Management (BAM) and in Law.
One of the academic and professional fields where there are more connections and where a joint program can be more useful is on the triangle formed by the legal, business and economic fields. Indeed, in Spain, the joint degree in BAM and Law is one of the more demanded programmes.
Thus, taking into account the great demand and taking advantage and learning from other universities, and aiming for offering educational alternatives to improve the available offer, since the year 2014/2015 it is possible to study simultaneously the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management (BAM) and the Bachelor’s Degree in Law and getting both certifications within 5 years.
Quick Degree Guide
The Joint Degree in Business Administration and Management and Law enables students to get a very attractive professional profile in the labour market as it provides skills in two complementary disciplines which are progressively more demanded in our society, both in the public and in the private fields. With the joint degree BAM-Law, the graduated will benefit from the advantages of the two degrees, having a more versatile professional profile, which multiplies the working options related to the business management and to the application of the law studies, and to become prepared and polyvalent professionals in the view of businesses and institutions.
The achieved knowledges in the subjects of law will enable students to be lawyers, judges or prosecutors, so when they finish their studies they will be able to apply and interpret the current legislation, as well as represent and defend citizens in possible conflicts. On the other side, subjects related with BAM will enable the students to achieve knowledges related with the economic and business field, being able to direct, organise and manage, as well as create business and advise the entrepreneurs starting their businesses.
The objective of this degree is to prepare people who understand the business as a social and economic reality, able to develop tasks in management, counselling and evaluation and with the necessary skills to develop this tasks in the global environment of the organization or in any of its operating areas. In addition to that, giving that the business area and the legal field are inseparable, the joint degree BAM-Law aims to give the students a wide range of opportunities in the labour market.
This Joint Degree BAM-Law is aimed at all those people interested in the economy and in business, with initiative and a spirit of leadership to create and manage businesses that could generate jobs, able to integrate and direct teams and to take decisions, and with the necessary dynamism to face the current society problems and to give solutions. Furthermore, this degree is designed for those who have a clear business vocation, where only one degree will not be enough, being vital to show competences.
Students will achieve the training, knowledges and methodologies necessary in both fields. Thus, they will be professionals able to develop tasks in management, counselling and evaluation in the productive organisations, both in the global environment of the organization or in any of its operating areas: production, human resources, finances, commercialising, investment, administration or accounting. On the other hand, there will a basic judicial education which involves both the theoretical knowledges on legislation as well as the necessary methodological tools to interpret and apply it.
The triangle formed by the legal, business and economic fields is one of the academic and professional fields where there are more connections and where a joint programme is more useful. New students who decide to join the joint programme BAM-Law will be able to enter in the labour or professional market with the advantage of having both degrees. Thus, this joint degree will allow to add the job opportunities of graduating in Law with the job opportunities of graduating in BAM, which produces added value, as it will enable them to access both to business management and to the big professional buffets and the higher boards in the public administration.