
Position Name
President Mª Montserrat Cruz González (Dean)
Quality Coordinator Juan Manuel De los Ríos Sánchez
Degrees Coordinator Bachelor’s Degree in BAM: Marcos Álvarez Díaz
Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism: Mª Dolores Rivero Fernández
Master’s Degree in Tourism: José Antonio Fraiz Brea
Master’s Degree in Sports: Patricio Sánchez Fernández
Equality Liaison Officer Mónica Villanueva Villar
Representative of the Teaching Staff Jerónimo Docampo Parente
Representative of the Students David González González
Imran Razzak
Marcelo Tejedor Rey
Administration of the Ourense campus M.ª del Pilar Joga Lasala (by delegation thereof, will act on this commission: Jaime Roberto León Fernández)
Representative of the Alumni María Pose (Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism)
Mª Fernanda Mirón Parra (Master’s Degree in Tourism)
Alejandro Domínguez-Lamela (Master’s Degree in Sports Business Management )
Representative of the society Jaime Pereira Novoa (CEO)
Pilar García Novo (Grupo Hotusa)


2023: 17-III | 11-VII
2022: 9-II | 5-V | 13-VII | 21-XII
2021: 26-III | 9-VI | 7-VII | 21-XII
2020: 29-VII | 18-XII
2019: 9-V | 4-VII | 18-XII


2023: 17-III
2022: 9-II | 5-V | 13-VII | 21-XII
2021: 26-III | 9-VI | 7-VII | 21-XII
2020: 29-VII | 18-XII
2019: 9-V | 4-VII