The Governing Bodies are regulated by the Faculty of Business Sciences and Tourism Internal Regime Regulation


Decanal Team

Vanessa María
Suárez Porto
Vice Dean of Quality

Francisco Xabier
Sánchez Sellero

Vice Dean of Bachelor’s Degrees and Company Relations


Tugores Martorell

Vice Dean of Academic Organization


Electoral Programme


Mª Beatriz González Sánchez
International Relations Coordinator

Mª Dolores Rivero Fernández
Degree in Tourism Coordinator

Marcos Álvarez Díaz
Degree in BAM Coordinator



With representation of the AS, the ASS and the students, informs the Permanent Delegated Committee on the planning and development of the teaching activity and other issues related with teaching.


Teaching Staff

Mª Montserrat Cruz González (Substitute: Francisco Xabier Sánchez Sellero)
Jerónimo Docampo Parente (Substitute: Mª Beatriz González Sánchez)
Mónica Villanueva Villar (Substitute: Diego Rodríguez Toubes)
Mª Dolores Rivero Fernández (Substitute: Marcos Álvarez Díaz)
Antonio Molina Abraldes (Substitute: Miguel Rodríguez Méndez)


Pablo González González
Raul Martínez Fernández

Administrative and Services Staff

María del Carmen Castro Vázquez (Substitute: Jaime R. León Fernández)



2021: 30-IX
2020: 19-X
2019: 20-X


2019: 25-IX


With representatives from the AS, the ASS and the students, resolves all the files presented in the Faculty.


Teaching Staff

Mª Montserrat Cruz González (or the person to whom she delegates: Alberto Vaquero García –Secretary-)
Marcos Álvarez Díaz (Substitute: Mª Beatriz González Sánchez)
Miguel Rodríguez Méndez (Substitute: Santiago Lago Peñas)
Francisco Tugores Martorell (Substitute: Diego Rodríguez Toubes)
Mónica Villanueva Villar (Substitute: Patricio Sánchez Fernández)


Christian Carballo Cabido
David González González
Raul Martínez Fernández

Administrative and Services Staff

María del Carmen Castro Vázquez (Substitute: Jaime R. León Fernández)


2022: 14-VII | 22-IX
2021: 27-IX | 2-XI
2020: 29-IX | 30-XI
2019: 14-V | 11-VII | 27-IX | 17-X


2022: 14-VII | 22-IX
2021: 27-IX | 2-XI
2020: 23-IX | 30-XI
2019: 14-V | 11-VII | 25-IX | 17-X


It is in charge of the external relations of the Faculty, with representation of the three sectors (AS, ASS and students).


Teaching Staff

Mª Montserrat Cruz González (Dean)(or the person to whom she delegates): Francisco Tugores Martorel
Alberto Vaquero García (Substitute: Mª Mercedes Mareque Álvarez-Santullano)
Ernesto Lopez-Valeiras Sampedro (Substitute: Mª Teresa Fernández Vázquez)
Diego Rodríguez Toubes (Substitute: Nuria Rodríguez López)
Mª Beatriz González Sánchez (Substitute: Jerónimo Docampo Parente)
Mª Elisa Alén González (Substitute: Patricio Sánchez Fernández)
Santiago Lago Peñas (Substitute: Miguel Rodríguez Méndez)


Ania Ferreiro Ferradás
Marcelo Tejedor Rey

Administrative and Services Staff

Jaime R. León Fernández (Substitute: María Catalina Álvarez Ogando)


It programmes and coordinates the cultural and sport activities of the Faculty, with the representation of the three sectors (AS, PASS and students).


Teaching Staff

Mª Montserrat Cruz González (or the person to whom she delegates): Francisco Tugores Martorell
Juan Pintos Clapés (Substitute: Antonio Molina Abraldes)
Ernesto López-Valeiras Sampedro (Substitute: Jerónimo Docampo Parente)
Mª Elisa Alén González (Substitute: Patricio Sánchez Fernández)


David González González
Raul Martínez Fernández
Imraw Razzak

Administrative and Services Staff

José Cacheiro González (Substitute: Jaime R. León Fernández)


It informs the Permanent Delegated Committee on the planning and development of the activities related with the IT laboratories, with representatives of the three sectors (AS, ASS and students).


Teaching Staff

Mª Montserrat Cruz González (or the person to whom she delegates: Alberto Vaquero García)
Francisco Xabier Sánchez Sellero (Substitute: Francisco Tugores Martorell)
Manuel Alfredo Mosquera Rodríguez (Substitute: Mª Cruz Del Río Rama)
Antonio Molina Abraldes (suplente: Miguel Rodríguez Méndez)
Mónica Villanueva Villar (Substitute: Jerónimo Docampo Parente)
Ana Isabel Gueimonde Canto (Substitute: Mª Teresa Fernández Vázquez)


Christian Carballo Cabido
Pablo González González
Raul Martínez Fernández

Administrative and Services Staff

María Catalina Álvarez Ogando (Substitute: Jaime R. León Fernández)


It solves the processes arising from the students’ passing by compensation requests. With representatives from the AS and the students.



Marcos Álvarez Díaz

Speakperson 1

Mª Beatriz González Sánchez (Substitute: Jerónimo Docampo Parente)

Speakperson 2

Alberto Vaquero García (Substitute: Francisco Xabier Sánchez Sellero)

Speakperson 3

Miguel Rodríguez Méndez (Substitute: Juan Pintos Clapés)

Speakperson 4 (students)

Ania Ferreiro Ferradás (Substitute: Christian Carballo Cabido)


It solves the processes arising from the students’ passing by compensation requests. With representatives from the AS and the students.



Mª Dolores Rivero Fernández

Speakperson 1

Mª Montserrat Cruz González (Substitute: Francisco Reyes Santiás)

Speakperson 2

Francisco Xabier Sánchez Sellero (Substitute: Juan Manuel de los Ríos Sánchez)

Speakperson 3

María de la Cruz Del Río Rama (Substitute: Nemesio Pereira Lorenzo)

Vogal 4 (students)

David González González (Substitute: Pablo González González)


Dean Office

Legal-Business Building
As Lagoas
32004 Ourense

+34 988 368 700