
Decanal Team

Cruz González, María Montserrat
de los Ríos Sánchez, Juan Manuel
Sánchez Sellero, Francisco Xabier

Suárez Porto, Vanessa María
Tugores Martorell, Francisco

Permanent Academic Staff

Alén González, María Elisa
Álvarez Díaz, Marcos
Araújo Vila, Noelia
Barajas alonso, Angel Antonio
de Carlos Villamarín, Pablo
Del Río Rama, María de la Cruz
Diéguez Castrillón, María Isabel
Docampo Parente, Jerónimo
Fernández Vázquez, María Teresa
Fraiz Brea, José Antonio
Gallego Rodríguez, María Elena
García Llorens, Luís Vicente
González Sánchez, María Beatriz
Gueimonde Canto, Ana
López Valeiras Sampedro, Ernesto

Mareque Álvarez-Santullano, Mercedes
Mazaira Castro, Andrés
Molina Abraldes, Antonio
Mosquera Rodríguez, Manuel Alfredo
Pérez González, Ana
Pintos Clapés, Juan
Rivero Fernández, María Dolores
Rodríguez Comesaña, Lorenzo
Rodríguez López, Nuria
Rodríguez Méndez, Miguel Enrique
Rodríguez-Toubes Muñiz, Diego
Sánchez Fernández, Patricio
Vázquez Abad, Jesús
Vázquez Barquero, José Ángel
Villanueva Villar, Mónica

Non-permanent Academic Staff

Pereira Lorenzo, Nemesio
Reyes Santías, Francisco

Tugores Blanco, Laia Francina


Araujo Araujo, Pilar Aurora
Carballo Cabido, Christian
Ferreiro Ferradás, Ania
González González, David

González González, Pablo
Martínez Fernández, Raúl
Razzak , lmran
Tejedor Rey, Marcelo

Administrative and Services Staff

Alvarez Ogando, Mª Catalina
Cacheiro González, José

León Fernández, Jaime Roberto



  • To elaborate, approve and modify the proposal for the Internal Regime Regulation
  • To elect and revoke the Dean or Director
  • To approve the annual budget distribution proposal of the centre and to implement it
  • To implement and follow-up the study plans
  • To assure the proper functioning of all the bodies and services in the centre
  • To resolve internal conflicts within the centre
  • To promote and regulate the implementation of bachelor’s degree final projects, five-year degree thesis and complementary courses or activities needed to obtain the degrees
  • To propose and implement the students access requirements and the assessment of their academic performance and achievements
  • To efficiently and properly prepare and coordinate the timetables for the different subjects, monographic courses, specialisation courses, midterm and final exams; the space allocation, and the complementary services and trainings, as well as to enable control measures for the compliance of the teaching duties
  • To liaise with other centres in order to facilitate the students’ election in the free-choice subjects of their programme
  • To allocate the assigned spaces
  • Any other given in the statutes



2024: 16-II
2023: 17-III | 19-IV | 25-IV | 5-VI | 19-VI | 11-VII | 6-X | 26-X | 22-XI | 20-XII
2022: 2-II | 9-II | 11-II | 16-III | 5-V | 10-V | 3-VI | 13-VII | 10-X | 2-XI | 21-XII | 28-XII
2021: 4-II | 25-II | 2-III | 26-III | 11-VI | 7-VII | 15-X | 19-XI | 21-XII | 29-XII
2020: 15-I | 14-II | 21-II | 11-III | 29-IV | 28-V | 8-VI | 26-VI | 29-VII | 15-X | 12-XI | 27-XI | 18-XII | 30-XII
2019: 9-IV | 12-IV | 3-V | 9-V | 24-V | 4-VII | 22-VII | 25-IX | 25-XI | 18-XII
2018: 27-II | 14-V | 6-VI | 28-VI | 6-VII | 20-IX | 5-XII | 19-XII
2017: 8-II | 24-II | 29-III | 15-VI | 4-VII | 13-VII | 21-XII
2016: 13-X | 28-X | 22-XII


2024: 16-II
2023: 17-III | 19-IV | 25-IV | 5-VI | 19-VI | 11-VII | 6-X | 26-X | 22-XI | 20-XII
2022: 2-II | 9-II | 11-II | 16-III | 5-V | 10-V | 3-VI | 13-VII | 28-VII | 10-X | 2-XI | 21-XI | 28-XI | 21-XII | 28-XII
2021: 4-II | 25-II | 2-III | 26-III | 11-VI | 7-VII | 15-X | 19-XI | 21-XII | 29-XII
2020: 15-I | 14-II | 21-II | 11-III | 29-IV | 28-V | 8-VI | 26-VI | 29-VII | 15-X | 12-XI | 27-XI | 18-XII | 30-XII
2019: 9-IV | 12-IV | 3-V | 9-V | 24-V | 4-VII | 22-VII | 25-IX | 25-XI | 18-XII
2018: 27-II | 14-V | 6-VI | 28-VI | 6-VII | 20-IX | 5-XII | 19-XII
2017: 8-II | 24-II | 29-III | 15-VI | 4-VII | 13-VII | 21-XII
2016: 13-X | 28-X | 22-XII

Elections 2023