The Hochschule Bremerhaven of Germany (HSBHV) and the Faculty of Business Sciences and Tourism of Ourense (FCETOU) have signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement, through which students of Business Administration and Management at the FCETOU will be able to obtain two degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Hochschule Bremerhaven and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Vigo. This is an agreement between universities with the aim that students from both institutions, after an exchange period in their last year of studies, can obtain the official academic degree from both institutions.

Who is it for and when is it requested?

Students must apply while studying 3rd year of ADE at the FCETOU.

  • In November/December, they must apply to the Erasmus call, requesting the HSBHV as their destination.
  • They will be preselected by the University of Vigo and must follow all procedures in the same way as any other Erasmus destination.

What are the previous academic requirements?

  • Have completed the first three years of the Degree in Business Administration (180 ECTS credits).
  • Have an adequate level of English (not lower than B2) and German (not lower than A1.2).

What are the selection criteria?

Students will be selected and admitted to the program based on their academic performance, motivation, and language skills. This selection process will be carried out in collaboration between the two institutions.

What is the language used in the different subjects?

Subjects will be taught in English.

What are my rights and obligations as a student?

  • The period of full-time study should not exceed two semesters (1 year), during which the student will obtain a total of 60 ECTS credits (including the credits of the Final Degree Project).
  • The student must complete a single FDP, in English and tutored by both institutions (with the supervision of a tutor from the HSBHV and another from the FCETOU).
  • Students must register for the corresponding academic year at the University of Vigo, as in previous years, paying only administrative fees at the HSBHV. It is essential to sign the learning agreement during the second semester of the third-year.

Who should I contact in case of doubts?

If you have any doubts, you can consult the Frequently Asked Questions section. If you also wish to contact any of the responsible persons, those in charge of both the academic aspects and the coordination of the international double degree program are:

Beatriz González Sánchez
Vice-Dean of International Relations

Gerhard M. Feldmeier
Vice-Rector of the Hochschule Bremerhaven


➢ What are the exact dates when the program begins and ends?
The program will run during the fourth year and will follow the HSBHV academic calendar.

➢ What are the subjects I will be able to take at the HSBHV?
The mandatory subjects are the following:

  • Human Resources Development (7,5 ECTS)
  • Change Management (7,5 ECTS)
  • International Management (7,5 ECTS)
  • Intercultural Management (7,5 ECTS)
  • International Business Communication (5 ECTS)
  • Final Degree Project (12 ECTS)

Additionally, the student must take a selection of optional subjects:

  • English taught subjects out of General Studies (1-2 ECTS)
  • Maths & Statistics (6 ECTS)
    • Business Maths & Excel
    • Statistics & Statistical Software
  • Entrepreneurship Competencies (6 ECTS)
    • Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Tourism
    • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Project
  • Global Strategic Management (6 ECTS)
    • Strategy Development and Implementation
    • Change Management
    • CSR and Global Governance
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship (6 ECTS)
    • Innovation Management
    • Entrepreneurship

*This academic offer is subject to change if the university is forced to remove any of the currently offered subjects.

➢ Will I be able to receive any type of scholarship or aid during this academic year?
Since the student is enrolled at the University of Vigo, they may apply for the corresponding MEC Scholarship for the academic year, as in previous years. Additionally, they can apply for the Erasmus+ scholarship in the same academic year.

➢ Can I go on Erasmus in the third year and apply for this program in the fourth?
No, as the Erasmus+ scholarship will only be awarded for a maximum of one academic year.

➢ What if I have pending subjects, can I still go?
No. Students must have completed the first three years in order to take the fourth year at the HSBHV.

➢ Can I do an internship during my exchange period?
Yes, students will be able to undertake internships within the study exchange period, without credit recognition and being the student’s responsibility to find a place for the internship.

➢ What are my rights as a student during the program?
Students in the double degree program will be subject to the rules and regulations of the HSBHV and will have the same rights and privileges as other students enrolled there. Additionally, the HSBHV will provide assistance in finding accommodation and help students integrate into social and cultural life.