Basic Competence 1 (BC1):
Students should show they have acquired and understood the knowledge in a field of study underpinned by general secondary education and which is usually at a level which-while drawing on advanced text books-also includes certain aspects that imply being familiar with the cutting edge of this field of study.

Basic Competence 2 (BC2):
Students should be able to apply the knowledge acquired to their work or vocation in a professional manner, and should have the skills normally demonstrated through the ability to develop and defends points of view and to solve problems related to their field of study.

Basic Competence 3 (BC3):
Students should be able to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements that include a reflection on the relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.

Basic Competence 4 (BC4):
Students should be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.

Basic Competence 5 (BC5):
Students should have developed the necessary learning skills in order to continue studying with a high level of autonomy.

General Competence 1 (GC1):
Skills in handling ICT in order to look up and make use of information.

General Competence 2 (GC2):
Capacity to analyse, synthesize and manage data derived from observations through the use of basic quantitative and predictive techniques.

General Competence 3 (GC3):
Ability to critically interpret data and text.

General Competence 4 (GC2):
Mastery of English language and perfecting and deepening their knowledge of at least a second foreign language.

General Competence 5 (GC5):
Oral and written communication skills.

General Competence 6 (GC6):
Mobility and adaptability to different contexts and situations.

General Competence 7 (GC7):
Ability to work both in teams and individually.

General Competence 8 (GC8):
Capacity to learn and work autonomously.

General Competence 9 (GC9):
Ability to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in a specialised academic context.

General Competence 10 (GC10):
Ability to transform an empirical problem into an object of study and to reach conclusions.

Specific Competence 1 (SC1):
Understand and interpret knowledge related to the economic agents which intervene in tourism and the relationships established among them.

Specific Competence 2 (SC2):
Understand and interpret knowledge related to public policies, the structure and evolution of tourist markets: national and international relations.

Specific Competence 3 (SC3):
Understand and interpret knowledge regarding the natural, cultural and heritage resources related to tourism activities.

Specific Competence 4 (SC4):
Understand and interpret knowledge related to the different anthropological, cultural and social manifestations that are an incentive for tourism.

Specific Competence 5 (SC5):
CUnderstand and interpret knowledge related to the management basics of tourism businesses: Internal economic problems and the relationships between the different subsystems.

Specific Competence 6 (SC6):
Understand and interpret knowledge regarding the basics of tourism marketing, as well as its commercial objectives, strategies and policies.

Specific Competence 7 (SC7):
Understand and interpret concepts related to the financial and analytical information management of tourist companies.

Specific Competence 8 (SC8):
Understand and interpret knowledge regarding the legal framework regulating tourism activities.

Specific Competence 9 (SC9):
Understand and interpret knowledge regarding the basic research and forecasting techniques for tourism.

Specific Competence 10 (SC10):
Analyse and assess the impact of tourism.

Specific Competence 11 (SC11):
Identify the operational processes in tourism enterprises.

Specific Competence 12 (SC12):
Understand the behaviour of people in tourism enterprises and apply techniques and methodology related to personnel management.

Specific Competence 13 (SC13):
Evaluate alternatives in the planning, management and control of tourist companies, as well as make strategic decisions.

Specific Competence 14 (SC14):
Carry out professional activities in English and other foreign languages within the tourism sector.

Specific Competence 15 (SC15):
Orientation of customer services.

Transversal Competence 1 (CC1):
Responsibility and the capacity to take on commitment.

Transversal Competence 2 (CC2):
Ethical commitment.

Transversal Competence 3 (CC3):

Transversal Competence 4 (CC4):

Transversal Competence 5 (CC5):
Motivation for quality.