Cotos Yañez


Area of Statistics and Operations Research
Department of Statistics and Functional Research

Contact information

Faculty of Business Sciences and Tourism
Edificio xurídico-empresarial
Despacho E/5-12

As Lagoas, s/n
32004 Ourense

+34 988 368 766

Short CV

Associate Professor of Department of Statistics and Operative Research of the University of Vigo. He obtained his Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Santiago de Compostela in 2004. Research in the area of nonparametric estimation of curves and resampling methods with various scientific and communications in national and international conferences publications. Journals published mainly in applied and computational statistics. He is member of the Ph.D. in Statistics and Operations Research of three Universities (Universities of Vigo, Santiago de Compostela and University of A Coruña). He has participated in several projects and research contracts. Currently a member of the research team SIDOR (Statistical Inference, Decision and Operations Research) at the University of Vigo.