The aim is to complement learning with practical experience focused on entrepreneurship and professional skills. To learn first-hand what companies are looking for in the world of work, as well as trends and innovations in management, planning and control, and operations. To facilitate the transition of students to professional life. To increase the synergies between the university and the productive and social sector through mentorship and institutional agreements. Strengthen the link between academic theory and business practice. Promote debates on topics of general interest to the economy and society.

  • Collaboration agreement with Startup Galicia
  • Conversas #Emprender
  • Visits to companies: MRF Solutions, Destilerias Miño
  • Networking: meetings between entrepreneurs and students
  • Support for students in their transition to professional life
  • Students participating in the PIBE AECA International Scholarship Programme of the Spanish Association of Accountants and Business Administrators
  • AECA prize for interviews with entrepreneurs and managers
  • Publication of calls for applications, scholarships, specialised courses, European workshops