Enrollment Options for the 2025 International Week (cross-link to the program)
We are offering two different participation options:
Soft Participation – 1 ECTS
Students opting for this format must attend the scheduled conferences on Monday, April 21; Thursday, April 24; and Friday, April 25. Additionally, students will be required to write and upload one essay per conference on MooVi. These talks will cover a wide range of topics that go beyond the standard syllabus of any specific course, offering a broader perspective. The sessions will be conducted in English, with speakers from various countries, adding an international dimension.
Intensive Participation – 3 ECTS (half in Ourense and half in Bremerhaven)
In addition to attending the conferences, students choosing this option must complete the course «Experiments and Evidence-Based Management» taught by Elena Shakina. The course consists of two parts:
Part 1: Held in Ourense on April 22, 2025.
Part 2: Takes place in Bremerhaven, Germany, one day during the week June 9-14, 2025.
The course is limited to 20 spots, with 10 reserved for German students visiting Ourense from April 21-25, and 10 for local students that must be enrolled in our faculty. Local participants will attend the second part of the course in Bremerhaven, with the travel and stay funded through the Erasmus project. For further information contact Beatriz González (bgonzale@uvigo.es) or Elena Shakina (elena.shakina@uvigo.es)
Application (English) | Application (Spanish)
Volunteer Opportunities
Students who volunteer to assist with event organization, such as helping with logistics, guiding international guests, and supporting session activities, will be invited to participate in social events organized for International Week. This is a fantastic way to get involved, make a meaningful contribution, and experience the social side of the event. Please contact organizers for more information (cross-link to contacts).