University responsible: University of Vigo
RUCA Code: 2501116
Teaching centres: Faculty of Business Sciences (Campus of Vigo)
Faculty of Business Sciences and Tourism (Campus of Ourense)
Degree Coordination: See Coordination
Branch of knowledge: Legal/social
Number of ECTS: 240 ECTS
Duration: 4 years
Type of education: Classroom education
Number of entry-level places: 120
Language of the Degree: Galician and Spanish
Permanence Regulation: University of Vigo Regulation
Credit Transfer and Recognition Regulation: University of Vigo Regulation
Verification Date: 22/06/2009
Implementation Year: 2009/2010
Date of authorization for the Degree Implementation: 27/08/2009 (DOG 16/09/2009)
Date of the Council of Ministers Approval: 13/11/2009 (BOE 05/01/2010)
Date of Publication of the Study Plan: 15/10/2010 (BOE 01/11/2010 e DOG 05/11/2010)
Date of Accreditation: 15/09/2017
Degree Report: Current report